Friday, February 11, 2011

Self Publishing- A Hypothetical Tale of Despair

I realize that when it comes to my writing, I can not be trusted alone with my own opinion.

In my earlier years as a "writer" aka (a little girl writing cards for family and short stories about "kids her age" because thats what people really want to read about....) it was just the classic first-draft puppy love.
By now, Creative Communications has shot me down so many times that it has evolved to the point where I can no longer tell which of my assignments are truly crap, and which only contain elements of crappiness.

If I worked on a book for two years, and it was shot down by even one person, my fist reaction would be to immediately distrust myself, scrap the book and quit writing forever.
However, my don't-ever-waste-even-one-second-of-your-life-no-matter-how-miserable-you-become sense will inevitably be activated and I will be forced to self-publish.

At that point, I wouldn't have the heart to rework the concept because I had already dismissed it as unreadable, so I would begin the painful process of self publishing a book I didn't believe in.

Now this is where the magic happens:
During the wondrous process of self publishing, I will likely delude myself into thinking that my book was often after all, and publishers are just generating chick-lit and other junk for the masses, and my book is somehow the only true form of art in the world and blah blah blah.
Then I emerge back into the world with my newly believed in self-published book and shameless promotion strategy.

 My emergence is met with great scorn by anyone that knows a good book from a bad one, my book is shunned from the world, and I retreat back to the internet.
Second thought, let's skip this whole mess and just stick with the internet. Everything on there seems grossly unofficial, but its the only thing people want to read anyway.

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