Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lock it up Mharti - Toxic Gatorade

Ok, so I heard today that Gatorade was finally persuaded yesterday, by a petition on the infamous, not to use brominated vegetable oil (BVO) in their drinks anymore.

Brominated as in Bromine - You know, the halogen flame retardant chemical right under chlorine on the periodic table. Surprise! It's bad for you. Also vegetable oil as in vegetable oil- ew it's a drink.

Anyway, in large quantities, this magical flame retardant substance tat is used to preserve the fruity flavors in our electrolytes, is linked to impaired neurological development, thyroid hormone issues and fertility problems.

Here's a full article if you feel like reading it from someone authorized to convey news:

Gatorade Story

And after that grossness, the first thing I thought of was this cartoon:
Justin Roiland's Channel 101 : The New Adventures of Doc and Mharti Gatorade Commercial

This is the grossest, most outlandish anything you will ever see, but if you have ever been forced to sit through all three Back to the Future's in a row, you will explode with laughter.

And now the part where Mharti says something to the tune of "Oh wow Doc, that almost makes up for all the awful chemicals they put in the drinks, it's really bad for you." can be immortalized forever in historical relevance.

Here's the video:
Also don't watch this  if there are things in the world that offend you.
Especially swears - this video is swear-city

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