Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pope-lic Relations

On Wednesday, Pope Benedict XVI appeared to bless the new children's ward specializing in spina bifida of the Gemelli hospital in Rome. Pope Benedict brought gifts to each child effected by the spinal birth defect in honor of Epiphany, the time when Catholics believe the three kings gave gifts to Jesus.

Interesting fact, this is the same institution where Pope John Paul II was treated.

Is this Pope PR? or is this just the Pope's job? Wait, what's the Pope's job again? I was born a Roman Catholic and after a million years of catechism, you think they would have gotten past the talking animal and teen choices discussion stories where every answer is "Jesus" and explained the giant hat to us.

By the way, according to Wikipedia, the pope-hat is called a mitre- and other than the three tiered tiara, and the mitre's relationship with Bishops, the significance is really limited to the colours. Also it seems that Western, Oriental and Eastern christianity all have different types of hats.

Almost every time the Pope looks out the window it's a pseudo event.
As In: Breaking News- Pope looks at pigeons outside window, pigeons fly into the sky, carrying his prayerful gaze into heaven.

Aside from making important religious decisions, the Pope's job is to be an event, and call attention to Christianity. Actually-even when he makes important religious decisions it's an event.
I couldn't imagine having so much gravity in my every action.
At the same time, who could call PR shenanigans on any of the good deeds the Pope does? Goodwill is goodwill.

Keep on truckin' Pope Benedict!

Winnipeg Free Press Article
Mitre Madness on Wikipedia

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