Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blended Expectations- Gina DeBrincat Book Launch

I had planned for the last two week to attend the Matrix of the Blended Family book Launch by Gina DeBrincat at Aqua Books, on Tuesday, November 30 at 7 pm. Little did I know that there seem to be more good commercials than bad commercials in entire universe and I was at the Cannes Lions extravaganza until exactly 7. Fine, I thought, I have my car and its only on Garry St., I'll be there before it even gets underway. However, I forgot to take into account my supreme idiocy and I wandered around until I got stuck on Donald with creeping traffic and no way to change lanes until I found myself in one of the few places I can navigate home from, Little Italy...yes I know, sad indeed.

Anyway, it's too bad because I've always been interested in the dynamic of blended families because many conservatives blame the fall of the traditional family for the shortcomings in kids today. Then again, there's always the question of if there even is a change in kids today or is it the tired case of any discrepancy from one generation to the next breeding fear in the elders that their offspring will not be successful by their standards because we want different things out of life. Is obedience a product of respect or fear? In unquestioning subservience a quality we should want in our children? Or do kids actually crave the conventional family structure?

I won't actually give my answers to these questions because it seems that valuable that can be said will inevitably get you in trouble. Suffice it to say that I its a topic that I am invested in.

Apparently the book isn't only a perspective, its also somewhat of a handbook with specific insights to the problems blended families face.

By the way, incase you're confused, or for some reason only read blog posts from the middle down, I never actually made it there, I wandered around sick for an hour and missed my last chance at a good mark. Luckily, the assignment is still completed, just the mark wouldn't be what I had hoped for. So It seems that for decent mark-getting, I had one of two options, lie and make an exceedingly general post and use the picture from the website- maybe put it on photoshop and put it in a different background, or tell the truth and possibly squeeze out an extra half mark for entertainment.

SQUEEEEEZZEEEE, that one was for you Karen :)

Can't blame me for trying-unless it turns out you can, in which case I'm sorry.
After much deliberation, I decided I wasn't quite cheeky enough to include a picture of the 7-Eleven I pulled into on Corydon to turn around in the blinding snow at the moment of my defeat. sigh.

Gina DeBrincat

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